Do you like to have fun?

Do you like great programs?

Do you want to help Temple?

If you answered yes to any of the questions (or even if you didn’t) 

Join Brotherhood today.

Upcoming Brotherhood Events


This year, we will be tsuzamen. What, you might ask, is tsuzamen?
It’s a Yiddish word and it means:
That’s right, friends, Tsuzamen. And Tsuzamen, (together), the Brotherhood will continue to do amazing things. Usher at Shabbat, usher for the High Holy Days, great programs, donate blood, do Mitzvot, And so much more.
So, get on board. Join the Brotherhood. Let’s have fun, let’s build a great Brotherhood, let’s build a great Temple Shalom, and let’s do it: TSUZAMEN



I. Mission

The mission of the Temple Shalom Brotherhood is to promote an ongoing relationship with God, Torah, Israel and the Jewish people through worship, study, culture and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), L’dor V’Dor (from generation to generation) with special emphasis on our youth as the path to the future.  

Temple Shalom Brotherhood strengthens our ties, and our children’s ties, to our Jewish heritage and tradition.


II. Membership

Only with a robust, engaged membership can the Brotherhood most effectively serve the Congregation. Brotherhood offers opportunities to serve on its Board of Directors, chair events, participate in the rollout of initiatives, and to exhibit leadership. To learn more, please contact Membership Vice President Jason Fishman.

Every male congregant is encouraged to join the Brotherhood. To join Brotherhood,  join online


III. Function

Brotherhood members can be found ushering at Shabbat Services on Friday night and High Holy Days services, erecting the Temple Sukkah, leading Tikkun Olam initiatives, helping at annual Temple holiday dinners, running the Temple’s 2nd Night Community Seder, providing interesting speakers at a Sunday Brotherhood breakfast or weeknight happy hour, presenting the Temple’s Annual Yom Hashoah Commemoration, and providing further Holocaust remembrance through the distribution of a Shoah Remembrance Candle.


IV. Softball.

The Temple Shalom Brotherhood Softball League is one of the oldest continuously running softball leagues in the DFW Metroplex. The League features a unique mix of competition and camaraderie, which are the primary reasons players have been flocking to the League for over 40 years.

Brotherhood softball offers a chance to enjoy competition and have some fun. There are also leadership opportunities for captains and League officers. If you are interested in our Softball League, visit the league website at for our application form and other league information, or email Brian Strull.


V. Connect With the Brotherhood on the Web

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2024-2025 Brotherhood Officers & Board of Directors


Title Name
President James Darling
Executive Vice President
Mark Fisher
VP Membership Jason Fishman
VP Programming Barry Brown
Financial Director Bob Landers
Treasurer Herb Ziev
Marketing Director
David Arndt
Recording Secretary Mark Lerner
Immediate Past President Louis Marx
Director Scott Butnick
Director   Roger Clifford
Director  Rick Cohen
Director  Daniel Fredrik
Director  Joel Guskin
Director  Leon Harris
Bill Hoffpauer
Director  Paul Jacobs
Director Paul Preite
Director Noel Rigley
Director  James Warner
Director  Ron Wichter



Real Menschen Serve the Congregation by Ushering at

Shabbat Services on Friday Nights

Sign Up to Usher


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Brotherhood Bylaws


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