We invite you and your family to join us for Shabbat worship services.
Friday night Shabbat services live streaming information:
Go to templeshalomdallas.livecontrol.tv.
Go to https://www.facebook.com/templeshalomdallas
You do not have to have a Facebook account to view the service. Click the link and look below “Join Facebook” and you will be able to see the service once it begins.
Friday Evenings
Kabbalat Shabbat Services are preceded by a Wine and Cheese Welcome Reception (Oneg) at 6:00pm.
Sponsor or co-sponsor an Oneg in order to honor someone special (bar/bat mitzvah, birth, wedding, anniversary, graduation) or celebrate a simcha.
Shabbat Services begin at 6:30pm. We offer Shabbat services both in-person and streamed.
Friday Program - September 13
Please join us for Davening & Dining on Shabbat (COVIDeo Chat the last Friday of each month) and holidays. Each week, this group enjoys camaraderie, conversation and cuisine at a local restaurant. Dinner times vary depending on the times of Shabbat or holiday services. Email daveninganddining@templeshalomdallas.org for the weekly restaurant location.
The last Friday of the month at 8:15pm, join us for our COVIDeo Chat on Zoom. Must RSVP by Friday at 8:00pm. Email daveninganddining@templeshalomdallas.org to RSVP and receive the Zoom link.
Saturday Mornings
Torah Study at 8:45am in-person or via Zoom. (contact Rabbi Paley for the link)
Morning Worship Service at 10:30am. (Services where there is a b’nai mitzvah are at 10:30am or at 5:00pm.) There is always a morning worship service running concurrently with the 10:30am b’nai mitzvah service.
Munchkin Minyan is one Saturday a month for families with children 7 and younger.