Friday Night Wine & Cheese Reception

Sponsor a Wine and Cheese to Recognize a Special Occasion

Sisterhood happy to take sponsors for any Friday night Wine and Cheese Reception (other than B’nai Mitzvah). For just $36.00, you could recognize a birthday, wedding, graduation, yahrzeit, or any other reason. The lovely spread will include a sign recognizing your sponsorship.

You can now request a Wine and Cheese sponsorship online. Simply click on this link to supply the necessary information and pay online


Is it your turn to help Sisterhood purchase wine for our Friday night Wine and Cheese?

You can now pay online here. If you prefer, you can send a check to the Temple office, payable to Sisterhood.  Please indicate Wine Donor on the check. Thank you for your support. 

Questions? Contact Laney.

If you are available from about 9:30 – 11:00am on Friday mornings and would like to help prepare the food for our wonderful pre-Shabbat wine and cheese receptions contact Laney Arndt.



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