Since 1988, Temple Shalom’s Ozrim program has been the model used by synagogues across the country for creating teen teacher assistant programs.
8th-12th Graders:
Each summer, we accept applications from Temple Shalom learners in grades 8-12 wishing to become an Ozer or Ozeret.
“What are Ozrim?”
Ozrim are helpers who work with our teachers and the Director of Lifelong Learning. Some roles that the Ozrim can fulfill are:
- Sunday classroom helper – Help every Sunday during religious school with children of all ages. Assist with projects, story reading, and even lead the lesson on occasions.
- Special projects helper – Help the Director to plan special events for our Lifelong Learning community – including: A Day of Service in January and Passover University in April as well as other special programs throughout the year.
The role of an Ozer/et depends on the person. The Ozrim receive training in how to be an Ozer/et (how to lead the class, discipline management, writing lessons and programs…every aspect of leading and supporting learning). The Ozrim of today are the Jewish educators of tomorrow. Don’t miss your opportunity to be part of this wonderful program.
Ozrim are required to be enrolled in our Religious School: 8th-11th graders in Next Dor, and 12th graders in our Confirmation program.
If you would like to become part of the Ozrim program, please complete and mail the application to: TEMPLE SHALOM LIFELONG LEARNING DEPARTMENT, 6930 ALPHA ROAD, DALLAS, TEXAS 75240.
Questions? Contact Director of Education Deborah Niederman, RJE.