Shomrei Adamah

Shomrei Adamah Committee: “Guardians of the Earth.”

The Shomrei Adamah committee is dedicated to improving Temple Shalom’s sustainability efforts and increasing awareness of our shared and individual responsibility to honor and protect God’s creation. Our mission is to make sustainability a core value of our congregation through conservation, education, social policy, worship, leadership and action.
The Shomrei Adamah committee is inspired by the story of Genesis, where God placed Adam in the Garden of Eden to till  and tend it.  Thousands of years since these words were written, we know that protecting, defending, and taking care of the Earth is our obligation as a Jewish people. God gave the Earth to all beings, and we are in partnership with God. As God is our Guardian, we are Shomrei Adamah, Guardians of the Earth. 

We hold monthly meetings on Sunday mornings to help people be green!

Interested in learning more about or getting involved with sustainability at Temple Shalom? Please contact chair Nina Minney.