Justice Garden

Join the Justice Garden Volunteer Team!
We can’t wait to see you!
Stop by the Justice Garden and ask Gretchen Reynolds, Stuart Marcus or Karen Stock for a tour. They would love to show you around and help you get involved

Did you know the Justice Garden has donated nearly 500 pounds of produce to our neighbors?  Did you know we have volunteer opportunities that don’t involve sweating outside in the garden? Here is your chance to join our amazing team and make new friends! Email us for more info. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Here are just some volunteer opportunities in and out of the garden!

  1. Orchard Stewards – Are you a fruit tree fanatic?  Grown some amazing backyard figs?  Join our new Orchard Stewards team! One year commitment, averaging 30 minutes/week (but not every week). Orchard volunteers will participate in specialty training with Giving Grove and Grow North Texas.
  2. Garden Reporter – Tell our story and share the great things happening in the garden. Work with Garden Co-Chairs to write short stories about garden news, what is growing, and what’s coming soon. Take photos, too!
  3. Harvest Delivery Drivers – Pick up the vegetables at Temple Shalom and deliver to scheduled locations. Drive our produce around town and meet neighbors working to bring food to people who need it.
  4. Fabric DIY – We love biostretch twine and need LOTS for our vining plants and tomatoes. Have a bunch of old stretchy t-shirts? Cut them into strips of fabric to tie up our growing garden plants. This volunteer job is near and dear to our hearts!
  5. Seamstress Superheroes -Help us protect our plants this winter! Love to sew? If you can create a pattern from an existing garment, we have plenty of new frost cloth waiting to be transformed into beautiful winter covers.