Religious School

Each day at our Religious School is filled with joy and wonder. Our learning is led by a dedicated and passionate team that is committed to providing engaging Jewish education for the entire family. Whether it’s in the classroom, during hands-on activities, or through meaningful community experiences, we strive to make Jewish learning a joyful and inspiring part of every learner’s life.

Our Core Values

Our educational approach at Temple Shalom Religious School is built around four core values:

Joy | Simcha / שמחה

Joy is at the heart of everything we do. From celebrating holidays to engaging in everyday learning, we infuse our curriculum with moments of happiness and fulfillment. Our goal is to make Jewish learning an exciting and joyous experience that learners look forward to.

Wonder | Peleh / פֶּלֶא

We encourage learners to embrace the wonder of Jewish learning by asking questions and exploring big ideas. Whether through studying ancient texts or discovering new traditions, our learners develop a deep sense of curiosity and awe for the rich heritage of Judaism.

Friendship | Yedidut / יְדִידוּת

Building meaningful friendships is central to the Temple Shalom Religious School experience. Through collaborative learning and shared activities, learners form lasting bonds with their peers, creating a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone feels they belong.

Holy Community | Kehillah Kedosha / קהילה קדושה

We believe in the power of Kehillah Kedosha—a holy community. Our programs foster a sense of belonging, where learners not only connect with their classmates but also with the larger Jewish community. Together, we engage in rituals, celebrate milestones, and work to create a more just and compassionate world.

Our unique approach to Lifelong Learning is all about helping each person experience the special gifts of:

  • Becoming: Growing and finding fulfillment as your unique self.
  • Belonging: Building deep connections, starting with family and expanding to a welcoming, sacred community.
  • Behaving: Living out Jewish values through meaningful rituals and hands-on efforts to help make the world a better place.

At Temple Shalom Religious School, we are proud to offer a dynamic and values-driven curriculum that nurtures every learner’s growth, both as individuals and as part of a sacred community. Join us in creating meaningful Jewish memories and building a strong foundation for lifelong learning.

Religious School upcoming events

Religious School

Temple Shalom

Religious Education for Pre-K and older through study, fun and interaction.

Religious School

Temple Shalom

Religious Education for Pre-K and older through study, fun and interaction.

A Weekend With GFC-Art Activity & Picnic

Temple Shalom

Family Art Activity & Picnic Thumbprint Challah Covers ($18/family for lunch and supplies) For families with children 12 years and younger Registration required by 2/27

Religious School

Temple Shalom

Religious Education for Pre-K and older through study, fun and interaction.

Next Dor 2nd Sunday

Temple Shalom

Extended Religious Education for our high school students.

Religious School

Temple Shalom

Religious Education for Pre-K and older through study, fun and interaction.


Temple Shalom Religious School is designed for all learners in Pre-K (four year olds entering Kindergarten the following year)–Twelfth Grade. We have monthly programs for children starting as soon as they are born! Check out our Early Childhood Education page. Learn about what we offer in our Religious School brochure

Pre-K through Seventh grades meet Sunday from 9:30am to Noon.

Our High School Next Dor program for students in 8-11 grades meets on Wednesday evenings and Sunday afternoons and Sunday evenings at the Rabbi’s house. Our Confirmation program is for students in 12th grade. See our calendar for specific dates!

Temple Shalom Midweek Hebrew for 4th through 6th Grades

Online learning in small groups (day/time determined by group)

Religious School begins with our Pre-K four year olds. If you join our congregation with an older child, we encourage you to begin Religious School as soon as you join the congregation.

For students in fourth through sixth grade, we offer a worship-based curriculum that will prepare learners to comfortably participate in Reform Jewish prayer services. This program is also designed to prepare B’nei Mitzvah students to lead services in our congregation.

We offer learning programs for students in kindergarten through seventh grade on Sunday morning that create wonder and joy through the exploration of Jewish traditions. We strive to provide a meaningful and positive Jewish learning experience for every student based on individual abilities. During their years in our programs, learners will be provided with a variety of experiences that enable them to create personally meaningful connections to Judaism by engaging, in hand-on ways, with:

During their years in our school our learners will study:

  • God
  • Torah and texts
  • Holidays
  • Israel
  • Jewish Values, including G’milut Chasadim and Tikkun Olam
  • Worship
  • Mitzvot
  • Holocaust
  • Jewish Sages, Heroes and Prophets


In our Next Dor program (8th-12th grades) learning focuses on deepening connections to Jewish texts and traditions in order to empower learners to use these tools to navigate our chaotic world. 

Learners in grades K-7 participate in Tefilah/services weekly and on Sundays, deeply exploring the prayer book so that they develop familiarity and comfort with prayer and praying.

There are fees for religious school as well as Tots Academy, Munchkin Music, B’nai Mitzvah and Confirmation/Graduation. Please contact the Lifelong Learning Office for specific information.

Temple Shalom Religious School is open to member children as well as non-member children. To enroll your child, simply call our Coordinator of Belonging Monica Susman at (972) 661-1365 to request Belonging Information. Our Executive Director, David Lamden, will be happy to assist you with all of the financial information. Contact the Lifelong Learning Office at (972) 661-1810 ext. 226 for Religious School registration information for the 2024-2025 school year.