Brotherhood Board Meeting
Temple ShalomMonthly meeting of the Board of the Brotherhood.
The mission of the Temple Shalom Brotherhood is to promote an ongoing relationship with God, Torah, Israel and the Jewish people through worship, study, culture and Tikkun Olam (repairing the world), L’dor V’Dor (from generation to generation) with special emphasis on our youth as the path to the future. Temple Shalom Brotherhood strengthens our ties, and our children’s ties, to our Jewish heritage and tradition.
It’s a Yiddish word and it means: TOGETHER
That’s right, friends, Tsuzamen. And Tsuzamen, (together), the Brotherhood will continue to do amazing things. Usher at Shabbat, usher for the High Holy Days, great programs, donate blood, do Mitzvot, And so much more.
So, get on board. Join the Brotherhood. Let’s have fun, let’s build a great Brotherhood, let’s build a great Temple Shalom, and let’s do it: TSUZAMEN
Monthly meeting of the Board of the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood's Shalom Award recognizes honorees who have contributed to Temple Shalom and the community. Sponsorship and tribute opportunities available. Advance tickets are required.
Monthly meeting of the Board of the Brotherhood.
Monthly social outing for Brotherhood members at locations around the Metroplex. Temple Shalom Brotherhood Blind Tasting featuring the R.A.M.P. (Rabbi Andrew Marc Paley) Selection Bourbon and three other premium brands.
Meet at the museum at 1:15pm for a tour led by congregant and docent Bob Epstein and a live “Situation Room” Briefing from 2:30-3:00pm. $25/person Register by 2/21. Questions? Contact
Monthly meeting of the Board of the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood's outing for fun and study-open to all adults! Presenter: Author & speaker Marc Liebman is a combat veteran and Naval Aviator of Vietnam, the Tanker Wars of the 1980s
Join Brotherhood in packing Yom HaShoah candles sent to Temple Shalom congregants.
Brotherhood's monthly social outing at locations around the Metroplex. Join us! Details coming soon.
Brotherhood hosted community-wide seder for the 2nd night of Passover. Registration information coming soon.
Monthly meeting of the Board of the Brotherhood.
Brotherhood hosted commemoration of Yom HaShoah. Details to come.
James Darling President
Mark Fisher Executive Vice President
Jason Fishman Vice President Membership
Barry Brown Vice President Programming
Bob Landers Financial Director
Herb Ziev Treasurer
David Arndt Marketing Director
Mark Lerner Recording Secretary
Louis Marx Immediate Past President
Scott Butnick Director
Roger Clifford Director
Rick Cohen Director
Daniel Fredrik Director
Joel Guskin Director
Leon Harris Director
Bill Hoffpauer Director
Paul Jacobs Director
Paul Preite Director
Noel Rigley Director
James Warner Director
Ron Wichter Director