Joining a committee at Temple Shalom Dallas is a wonderful way to connect more deeply with our community, contribute to meaningful projects, and support our shared mission.
Committees offer opportunities to meet fellow congregants, develop new skills, and make an impact in areas that matter to you.
Temple Shalom's committees and councils:

Plans in-person and Zoom classes, Scholars/Composers-in-Residence programs, and aids congregants with technology. For information please see Adult Education or email Adult Education Chairs Harriet Bell & Kathryn Frish.
This committee assesses our beautification needs and makes recommendations and approves and/or selects changes or enhancements to the interior and exterior of Temple Shalom as well as the acceptance of all gifts or donated items to our building. It recommends action for the maintenance of the building and grounds. This committee consults with contractors for various projects for repairs and participates in the bidding process. For information, please contact Executive Director David Lamden.
The Belonging Committee plans activities and events and special services that are targeted to a variety of different segments within the Temple Shalom family.
The Belonging Committee works closely with prospective members to introduce them to all facets of Temple Shalom and the Dallas Jewish community, should they be new to our city. We also welcome new members and help them get connected to Temple in a way that is meaningful to them. Being a part of the Belonging Committee is a great way to share your knowledge and love of, and experiences at, Temple Shalom. For information, please contact Coordinator of Belonging Monica Susman.
The Temple Shalom Budget Committee is responsible for working with the Temple’s senior staff in the preparation of the budget for all temple revenue and expenses for each temple fiscal year (June 1 – May 31). Budget categories include Administration, Ritual, Programs, Youth Education, Youth Activities, Building and Grounds, and Capital. The Budget Working Group meets from January through March to discuss and prepare a budget that is submitted for approval to the Board of Trustees in April and to the Congregation at the annual meeting in May. This committee is chaired by the Finance Director. For information, please contact Executive Director David Lamden.
Temples Shalom’s Caring Congregation Committee is comprised of Temple members who volunteer their time to assist those congregants who are experiencing family transitions.
Our Temple Shalom family is growing and we are reaching out to members who would like to join us in helping bring personal and communal care to our membership.
We value your suggestions and encourage you to contact us if you need help or know of a congregant in need.
Contact Chairs Jacque Comroe or Carolyn Landers to help.
Cemetery Committee
This committee acts as a liaison between Temple Shalom and Sparkman/Hillcrest Funeral Home and provides Temple members with information related to the purchase of cemetery plots and interments and maintains related records and makes recommendations on plot pricing and cemetery rules. For information, please contact Executive Director David Lamden.
The opportunity to assist in obtaining gifts, sponsors, planning and volunteering for our annual Golf Tournament, benefiting Temple Shalom Youth Programs and other sponsors. For information, please contact the Golf Committee.
This committee plans programs to educate the congregation about Israel and the issues surrounding Israel’s relationship with the world. For information, email us.
Justice Garden
Join the Justice Garden Volunteer Team! We can’t wait to see you!
Did you know the Justice Garden has donated nearly 500 pounds of produce to our neighbors? Did you know we have volunteer opportunities that don’t involve sweating outside in the garden? Here is your chance to join our amazing team and make new friends! Email us for more info. We can’t wait to hear from you!
Responsible for supporting several music programs throughout the year. From our Youth Choir, Kol Shalom, recitals to the Composer-in-Residence Biannual program to the DFW Community Cantors’ annual concert, this group enjoys bringing fun, entertaining and spiritual events for the congregation. If you are interested, please contact Coordinator of Music/Composer in Residence Mandy Monreal.
Lifelong Learning Council
This council partners with our Director of Education to promote a shared vision of lifelong learning at Temple Shalom and engage in collaborative planning for high-quality learning programs and events for Temple Shalom learners of all ages.
Put our faith into action by reaching out to others in our community to make a difference. Through active participation in a variety of projects and programs we will accomplish our goal of Tikkun Olam–Helping to Repair the World as we pursue social justice. The Council oversees programs including our High Holy Days food drive, LIFT Education Initiative, Israel Connection, Embrace, DAI partnership, LGBTQIA+ Committee, and Shomrei Adamah committee. For information, please contact Tikkun Olam Chair Debra Levy-Fritts or read more at Tikkun Olam.
Worship Committee
The worship committee at Temple Shalom provides guidance, support and perspectives to the clergy on worship related issues. Serving in an advisory capacity, the committee offers valuable assistance throughout the year.
Young Families Committee
We offer regular programming for families with young children to support the building of community and begin a journey of lifelong learning. Learn more here.