Sisterhood Upcoming Events

We are the Sisters of Shalom
Working together for
Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Justice

Please join us for some fun, sisterhood, and community. 

 Current calendar of events 

Membership Information

Congratulations to our 2024 Women of Valor Laney Arndt and Chris Harris, shown here with Sisterhood President Alice Rosen!


Saturday, July 20 / 1:15pm (note time change)
Chocolate Angel
Campbell Road village, 635 W. Campbell Rd, Suite 310 Richardson

Join us for afternoon tea, lunch, and great conversation. Please RSVP to Toba Reifer at no later than July 15th.

Sunday, July 28
10:00am – 1:00pm

Get Ready – Passing Hats is back. We’ve already donated more than 65 hats to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition! Everyone is invited to join us for a pot luck brunch, then sit and schmooze while we loom more hats. Don’t want to make a hat? Come anyway and we will put you to work managing the yummy food table, or labeling and packing up the hats for donation.

Do you have a hat you didn’t finish? Need some guidance? This is the place to answer all your looming questions. If you have looming supplies or yarn you would like to donate to others for their projects, bring them.

RSVP to Sheila Frank at with your Name and Brunch item you will bring to share.

Paper goods, cutlery and beverages are needed as well as food.

Sunday, August 4 / 1:45-3:00
Home of Jill Dunn

The Village Idiot, Steve Stern’s astonishing new novel, begins on a glorious spring day in Paris 1917. Amid the carnage of World War I, some of the foremost artists of the age have chosen to stage a boat race. At the head of the regatta is Amedeo Modigliani, seated regally in a bathtub pulled by a flock of canvasback ducks. But unbeknownst to the competition, he has a secret advantage: his young friend, the immigrant painter Chaim Soutine, is hauling the tub from underwater. Soutine, an unwashed, misfit artist (who incidentally can’t swim) has been persuaded by the Italian to don a ponderous diving suit and trudge along the floor of the river Seine. Disoriented and confused by the artificial air in his helmet Chaim stumbles through the events of his past and future life. It’s quite an extraordinary life. 

Please RSVP to Sabrina at by August 1st, to let our host know how many to expect.

Use the QR Code or click the flyer to RSVP!

Submit survey questions for the game!



  • Sisterhood led Shabbat Service – August 23
  • Sisterhood/Brotherhood Family Feud – August 25
  • Reproductive Freedom is Religious Freedom film and discussion – September 4
  • Sisterhood/Brotherhood Welcome Back Coffee – September 8
  • Temple Shalom Golf Tournament – October 14
  • Sisterhood’s Membership Dinner – October 22


Questions or comments about this page?  Contact Laney at

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