
Isn’t It Time You Made A Connection?

The Connections/Belonging Council assists Temple Shalom members and prospective members in making connections. Under its umbrella are the College Connections, LGBTQ Pride, Young Adults, Davening & Dining and other groups that make Temple Shalom a warm, friendly place! Whether you have a lot of time or just a little or whether you’ve been a Temple Shalom member or decades or just days, we have a spot for you!


The Belonging Committee works closely with prospective members to introduce them to all facets of Temple Shalom and the Dallas Jewish community, should they be new to our city.   We also welcome new members and help them get connected to Temple in a way that is meaningful to them.  It heats up right before the High Holy Days and the start of religious school, but has year-round volunteer opportunities as we help new members become involved in Temple life.  Belonging events include our annual Open House and other events throughout the fall. Being a part of the Belonging Committee is a great way to share your knowledge and love of, and experiences at, Temple Shalom. Contact Coordinator of Belonging Monica Susman.

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