My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples. (Isaiah 56:7)
Reform Judaism holds the mitzvah of ahavat ger, welcoming the stranger, among the most important tenets of our faith. Temple Shalom actively welcomes interfaith families into our community and encourages their participation in our Temple and to be a vital part of Jewish life.
We work to empower people to make Jewish choices for themselves and their families and strive to provide resources and support them along their journey so that Temple Shalom can be a welcoming place for people of diverse religious backgrounds, sexual orientations and ethnic backgrounds.
Introduction to Judaism 2025
Tuesdays from 7:00pm-8:30pm
January 14 through May 27 (20 sessions)
Temple Shalom Learning Center
Books & Materials Fee:
$180 Temple Shalom Members
$360 Non-Members
Temple Shalom members include individuals and couples investigating Judaism, interfaith couples, Jews-By-Choice, and couples where one or both spouses have converted to Judaism.
Are you interested in:
- Learning about Judaism? Why we do what we do?
- Feeling comfortable during services?
- Understanding what your children are learning in religious school?
- Learning about the culture as well as the rituals?
- Explaining Jewish rituals and customs to parents and grandparents?
- Or just need someone to discuss the issues and your family’s feelings?
If you are interested in learning more, please contact Senior Rabbi Andrew Paley. More information can also be found on the Union for Reform Judaism website.