
We are the Sisters of Shalom.

Working Together for Sisterhood, Spirituality, and Social Justice.

Sisterhood is a great place to cultivate friendships while enjoying study, worship, advocacy, and social events. Your participation provides assistance to our Temple, our youth, and the community.

We welcome Sisters of all ages, backgrounds, and in all stages of life. 

Whether you have just graduated college, have small children at home, work full-time, have retired, or something in between, there is something magical about women supporting women, sharing their knowledge, and offering their friendship and counsel. We are women on a mission to inspire the women of Temple Shalom Dallas to build enduring relationships with Torah, Reform Judaism, and each other through education, service, and support to the Temple and the broader community.

 We are women who study together, play and laugh together, worship together, and work together toward the goals of Tikkun Olam – making the world a better place. And, we’d love to have you join us. 

Sisterhood upcoming events - click on the events to register

Sisterhood CHAI Dinner

Temple Shalom

Sisterhood hosts residents of CHAI for Shabbat services and dinner. Open to the congregation. Registration required by 2/25. Questions? Contact Robyn.

Sisterhood YES Fund Event

Temple Emanu-El 8500 Hillcrest Rd., Dallas

Join the WRJ Sisterhoods of Temple Emanu-El, Temple Shalom, Adat Chaverim, Congregation Beth Israel, Congregation Beth Shalom, and Temple Beth El as we enjoy hors d’oeuvres and a beautiful concert

Sisterhood Mah Jongg Tournament

Temple Shalom

Annual Sisterhood Mah Jongg Tournament. Registration required by March 25th. Doors open at Noon $36/person includes snacks and door prizes. Cash prizes to top players! Come early and shop at

Sisterhood Board 2023-2025

Alice Rosen                     President

Robyn Carafiol                Vice President Social Justice

Toba Reifer                      Vice President

Keo Strull                         Vice President Events

Ilene Zidow                     Vice President Membership

Reesa Portnoy                Treasurer

Jill Dunn                          Financial Secretary

Shelley Byers                   Corresponding Secretary

Judi Lerner                      Recording Secretary

Brenda Butnick                Director Social

Ann Weintraub                Director Events

Laney Arndt                     Schmooze Editor/Webmaster

Robyn Klein                     Immediate Past Co-President

Laney Arndt                     Immediate Past Co-President

Laurel Fisher                    WRJ Board Member